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MG Lite


MG Lite

“Empowering Fleet Efficiency and Security with Real-Time Insights”

Improve Fleet Efficiency, Safty & Reduce Costs

Cutting-edge GPS tracker and telematics device designed to revolutionize Fleet management. With its sophisticated yet compact design, MG Lite offers unparalleled connectivity, enabling you to stay in control of your vehicles and drivers like never before.

CAN BUS connection

MG Lite works by integrating seamlessly with your vehicle's CAN bus system to collect real-time data on driving behaviors and vehicle performance.


This data is transmitted via GPS and 2G/4G networks to an advanced analytics platform, providing comprehensive insights and allowing for proactive fleet management and enhanced security measures.

Your Smart Solution for Safe and Efficient Fleet Management

MG Lite empowers you with real-time monitoring capabilities, providing invaluable insights into driving behaviors and vehicle performance.

Benefits and Features

Real-Time Monitoring and AI Analytics

Cost-Efficiency and Revenue Generation

Universal Compatibility and Easy Installation

Enhanced Safety and Security

Ignition Control and Usage Optimization


Data-Driven Decisions

High Precision and Accuracy

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